General Math: Booklet 6
General Math: Booklet 6 - Geometry of Circles, Algebraic Properties, and More Functions
Parent/Teacher Guide 61 pages - stapled booklet Student Workbook 73 pages - stapled booklet
The Parent/Teacher Guide has instructions on how to teach the lessons, sample dialogues, games, and the Answer Key. The Student Workbook has worksheets and practice pages.
Click this title to download General Organization Grades 4 & 5 - a free PDF you print.
Pascal's Triangles
Circle Intersections
Area and Perimeter
Circle City Art Project
Circle Geometry
Area of Circles
Playing with Parentheses
Order of Operations, Vertical Format, and Multiplication and Division
Families of Facts: Missing Numbers
Multiplication Relationships and Algebra
Subtraction - Difference Between and Difference Between: Patterns
Pattern Language Puzzles: Algebra
Square Numbers
Investigating Cubes
Averages - Up and Down
Answer Key is in the Parent/Teacher Guide
General Organization 4 & 5 includes: Foreword by Professor Michael Butler, Introduction, Farm School Math Notes, Teaching Techniques, Arithmetic Conventions, Math Journal, Grading and Dialogues, Sequence Guides, Lesson Planning, Materials, Resources, Base Ten Materials, and Series Overview.